Tuesday 21 August 2012

John Stokes Intro

Who is John Stokes?

Hello and welcome to all, this is my first blog so ill begin by introducing myself, what i do and like, and what i will be covering from now on in this blog.

I am an amateur photographer and photojournalist from Birmingham, I like a vast variety of photographic styles and genre and I enjoy expressing what i experience through my images, if and when i can.
After many years of traveling and many more career choices, I have always had a keen interest in photography, but it has always been pushed aside and seen as an unproductive venture.
After Having a good mooch with some different equipment I noticed how great quality can be achieved in relation to cheap and nasty cameras, and each and individual method involved intrigues me even further.

Why a Blog?

I thought of using a blog after reading many others and seeing the kind of feedback you can achieve, and the learning possibilities with having such varied responses could be endless.  I will be adding new pictures when possible and give a little description of the mood and environment that inspired the picture, There isn't really a topic as such but feel free to comment or ask questions, I am also welcoming comments good or bad, advice, tips and even suggestion.

Taken using FujiFilm Finepix S2980 Edited in LR4.

Also find me on flickr.

john stokes photographer